Internal LinksMoodlePlacement Portal Open Elective Online Grievance Form OPAC |
The Department of Electrical Engineering now known as Electrical and Electronics Engineering came into existence in the year 1963 offering undergraduate course in Electrical Engineering with a modest intake of 30 students. Then onward the department has flourished in all respects and is now full fledged with competent, experienced and dedicated faculty and well-equipped laboratories with facilities to cater to the all round development of the students.
To be the premier center for education and research in Electrical and Electronics Engineering and to produce globally competent engineers with ethical values. |
PO1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. PO2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. PO3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. PO4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. PO5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. PO6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. PO7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. PO8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. PO9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. PO10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. PO11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. PO12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change. |
PSO1: Analyze, Design and Assess the performance of Electrical Power Systems and its constituent equipment. PSO2: Analyze, Design and Develop Power Electronic Systems. |
Placement Information |
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Notification |
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Name of the Alumni | Graduating year | Company incubated | Year of Establishment |
Raviranjan M : 7795233243 | 2015-2016 | M/s. Sanctus Innovations Delhi. | 2016 |
Indrajit Karnakar M : 8016739068 | 2014-2015 | M/s. Electro Trading co. West Bengal | 2015 |
Dayananda Y.S. M : 9845259517 Email - | 1999-2000 | M/s. PPPASSCHIP Technologies Pvt. Ltd, No. 38, Siddaganga, 2nd Cross, Subbanna Garden Marenahalli, Vijayanagara Bangalore - 560040 | 2013 |
Dharanesha H N M : 8970355996 | 2011-2012 | M/s. Innovative Electricals #20, 4th B Street, Behind Kaliamma Temple Road, Ulsoor, Bangalore - 08 | 2015 |
Pulkit Dhingra M : 9662972012 Email | 2006-2007 | M/s. AHAsolar Private Limited 207, Kalasagar Mall Ghatlodia, Ahmedabad – 380061 Gujarat, India | 2018 |
Name of the Research Scholar | Research Guide | Year of Registration | Name of Research Institute/University |
P K Chandrashekhar | Dr. S. G. Srivani | 2013 | CPRI Bengaluru,VTU, Belagavi |
Narendra Babu Y | Dr. N P Padhy | 2017 | IIT, Roorkee |
Manish Kumar | Dr. Sumit Pramanick | 2018 | IIT, Delhi |
 K Ashoka  Foreman +91 94805 40883  D.E.E. Working Area: - |
 K S Shivakumarswamy  Instructor, +91 90085 47823  D.E.E. Working Area: - |
 S Manjula  Instructor +91 74065 08422  D.E.C. Working Area: - |
 Prashanth M  Assistant Instructor +91 98869 68018  D.E.E. Working Area: - |
 Jnanamurthy  Mechanic  - +91 94815 55668  P.U.C. Working Area: - |
 K H Shivakumar  Technical Helper  - +91 98456 29232  P.U.C. Working Area: - |
Chairman | |||
Dr. Rashmi
Professor & Head Dept. of EE & E SIT, Tumkur 9740110576 |
Faculty Members | |||
Prof. B.A.Sridhara Sri. K.C.Rupesh Dr. Madhu.B.M. Dr. H.S.Sridhara Dr. Vinayaka.K.U. |
Subject experts from outside the Institute |
Dr. Arun D Mahindrakar
Professor Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai - 600036 |
Dr. Shobha Shankar
Professor Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering, Vidyavardhaka College of Engineering Mysore - 570 002 |
VTU Nominee |
Dr. R.Shivarudraswamy
Associate Professor Department of EEE Mainpal Institute of Technology(MIT), Udupi-Karkala Road,Eshwar Nagar Manipal - 576 104 |
Representative from Industry / Corporate sector / allied area relating to placement | |||
Sri Srinivas N R
Senior Engineer - Electrical, Wipro GE Healthcare Pvt Ltd., John F Welch Technology Center, EPIP 122(Phase II),Whitefield Road, Hoodi village, Bengaluru - 560 066 |
Meritorious student representatives | |||
Sumukh Deepu Y C |
Meritorious alumnus | |||
Sri. Sunil Noikodi
Engineer SKANRAY Technologies Mysore |
Chairman |
Dr. Rashmi
Professor & Head Dept. of EE & E SIT, Tumkur 9740110576 |
External Members | ||
Dr. Prasanna T.S.
Professor & Head Dept. of EE & E UVCE, Hassan |
Dr. Mahesh M.
Professor & HOD Dept. of EE & E New Horizon College of Engineering, Bangalore |
Dr. Jayaramaiah G V
Professor & HOD Dept. of EE & E Dr.AIT, Bangalore |
Internal Members | |
B A Sridhara
Associate Professor, Dept of E& EE SIT, Tumkur |
K C Rupesh
Assistant Professor, Dept of E& EE SIT, Tumkur |
Dr. H S Sridhar
Assistant Professor, Dept of E& EE SIT, Tumkur |
Dr. Vinayaka K U
Assistant Professor, Dept of E& EE SIT, Tumkur |
Under Graduate | ||
B.E.Electerical and Electronics Engineering | Intake 60 | 4 years |
Post Graduate | ||
M.TECH.(POWER ELECTRONICS) | Intake 12 | 2 years |
Research | ||
Ph.D. in Electrical & Electronics Engineering | - | |
M.Sc. in Engineering by Research | - |
( ! ) Warning: include(./component/eeedept/eeegallery.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\wamp64\www\sit\html\department.php on line 861 | ||||
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U G Scheme and Syllabus | |
I sem / II sem Scheme III sem / IV sem Scheme V sem / VI sem Scheme VII sem / VIII sem Scheme |
P G Scheme and Syllabus | |
I sem/II sem /III sem/IV sem Scheme | I sem/II sem/III sem/IV sem Syllabus |
Time Table | |
1st Semester | 3rd Semester |
5th Semester | 7th Semester |
Research Project | Numbers |
Completed | 3 |
On going | 1 |
Project Title and Principal Investigator: | Development of High Temperature low sag Nanocomposite core - Dr. Rashmi, Dr. G S Shivashankar |
Start Date: | 0000-00-00 |
Funding Agencies: | AICTE, New Delhi |
Funding Amount: | Rs.28,00,000/- |
Status: | On going |
Project Title and Principal Investigator: | Development of Solar Encapsulants - Dr. Rashmi |
Start Date: | 0000-00-00 |
Funding Agencies: | AICTE, New Delhi |
Funding Amount: | Rs.1,60,000/- |
Status: | Completed |
Project Title and Principal Investigator: | Smart Solar Gross Cutting Robot- Mr. Narendra Babu Y |
Start Date: | 0000-00-00 |
Funding Agencies: | AICTE, New Delhi |
Funding Amount: | Rs.50,000/- |
Status: | Completed |
Project Title and Principal Investigator: | Smart Bin- Mr. Manish Kumar |
Start Date: | 0000-00-00 |
Funding Agencies: | AICTE, New Delhi |
Funding Amount: | Rs.Rs.50,000/- |
Status: | Completed |
Research Scholars | Numbers |
Ph.D. Awarded | 2 |
Pursuing Ph.D. | 3 |
Name of the Research Scholar: | Madhu B M Asst. Prof., Dept. of EEE, SIT, Tumakuru |
Research Guide: | Dr. Rashmi, Professor, Dept. of EEE, SIT, Tumakuru |
Date of Registration: | 2018-01-06 |
Name of Research Institute University: | SIT Research Center, VTU, Belagavi |
Topic of Research : | Ageing Analysis of Nanocomposite core for High Voltage Transmission Lines |
Status: | Ph.D. Awarded |
Date of Award : | 2022-12-03 |
Name of the Research Scholar: | Santosh Kumar R |
Research Guide: | Dr. Rashmi, Professor, Dept. of EEE, SIT, Tumakuru |
Date of Registration: | 2018-01-01 |
Name of Research Institute University: | SIT, Tumakuru, VTU, Belagavi |
Topic of Research : | Development of Novel Soft Nanocomposite Materials for Inductors in Power Electronics Applications |
Status: | Pursuing Ph.D. |
Date of Award : | - |
Name of the Research Scholar: | Poornima |
Research Guide: | Dr. Rashmi, Professor, Dept. of EEE, SIT, Tumakuru |
Date of Registration: | 2015-10-12 |
Name of Research Institute University: | SIT Research Center, VTU, Belagavi |
Topic of Research : | Development of High temperature low sag Nano composite |
Status: | Ph.D. Awarded |
Date of Award : | 2022-12-03 |
Name of the Research Scholar: | P Noorchesma |
Research Guide: | Dr. V Sivaprasad, Dept. of EEE, SIT, Tumakuru |
Date of Registration: | 2013-11-01 |
Name of Research Institute University: | CPRI, Bangalore, VTU, Belagavi |
Topic of Research : | Integration of Renewable Energy with Hybrid HVDC System |
Status: | Pursuing Ph.D. |
Date of Award : | - |
Name of the Research Scholar: | Kingsuk Saha |
Research Guide: | Dr. V Sivaprasad, Dept. of EEE, SIT, Tumakuru |
Date of Registration: | 2013-11-01 |
Name of Research Institute University: | CPRI, Bangalore, VTU, Belagavi |
Topic of Research : | Wide Area Stability and Control for Power System Grid Security |
Status: | Pursuing Ph.D. |
Date of Award : | - |
Patents Applied |
0 |
Laboratory Name | Major Equipment Available |
Electrical Machines Laboratory |
It has 23 rotating machines which include AC Motors/ DC Motors, generators and special machines, seven transformers.
Power Electronics Laboratory |
It is well equipped with different models for the study of speed control of motors using converters, choppers, inverters etc. The laboratory covers experiments on different types of commutation circuits. These are supplemented by apparatus for the study of the characteristics of SCR, FET, MOSFET, IGBT.
Control Systems & DSP Laboratory |
It is well equipped to conduct experiments on closed loop speed control of AC and DC motors. Facilities are available to study the performance of PID controllers, Phase lag and lead controllers. Scilab software is used for DSP applications.
Digital Electronics Laboratory |
The trainer kits have been procured to facilitate effective conduction of the laboratory as per the curriculum and Verilog is introduced to make students to learn hardware description language.
Analog Electronics Laboratory |
It is well equipped with CROs, Power Supplies, Signal Generator etc. to conduct experiments related to Analog Electronics and Linear Integrated Circuits.
Power Systems Simulation Laboratory |
It is equipped with 26 computers and Mi-power software simulation tool. Simulation studies are carried out on load flow studies, short circuit studies, optimal operation of power systems, relay co-ordination, stability studies etc. Internet facility to all the computers through 250 Mbps leased line is provided.
Relay & High Voltage Laboratory |
It has
Research centre | |||
Sl.No | Equipments | Make & Supplier Detail | Specifications |
01 | Ultrasonicator | Manufactured by OSCAR ULTRASONICS MUMBAI. Supplied by Sourcetronic India Private limited Bangalore |
Model : Processor SONOPROS PR-250 Ultrasonic Power : 250 Watts Processing Capacity : up to 250 ml Frequency : 20 + 3 KHz Horn : Titanium Horn 6mm Sr. No. OUH-475 Titanium Horn 12mm Sr. No. OUH-476 Converter : Sr. No. OUC 207 (1 No) Generator : LOT Type Generator Cabinet : MS Powder Coated Stand base and pillar : SS 304 Power Input : 230V 50Hz, 2 Amps. Converter : PZT Sandwich Power Variac : 0-230V, 3Amps Ammeter : Analog 0-2 amps Fuse : 3 Amps Application : Particle dispersion |
02 | Hot Air Oven | Manufactured by D.K. Scientific Technologies Ahmedabad. Supplied by M/s Chemical House Bangalore |
Size:18inch×18inch×18inch Tray:2SS Temperature range:200C to 2500C |
03 | Electronic Balance with Density Kit |
Make:METTLER TOLEDO Supplied by Innovative lab Products Bangalore |
Model: ME204 Capacity:220 grams Accuracy:0.0001 grams |
04 | Magnetic Stirrer | Make:REMI Supplied by Aspire Incorporation Bangalore. |
Model: REMI 2MLH |
05 | LCR meter with temperatre controller | Make: HIOKI Supplied by Tangent Test Technologies Bangalore |
Model: HIOKI IM3536 Frequency range:4Hz to 8MHz |
06 | Vacuum oven with UV light controller | Make: M/s Ultra thermo Scientific | Temperature range: Ambient to 250°C |
07 | Emulsifier | Make: REMI Supplied by M/s Kapasi trading company | Model: RQ 127D Serial No.: ZKEL 39207 |
08 | Digital Micrometer | Make: Mitutoyo Digimatic Micrometer | Serial No.: C/N 293-240-30 |
09 | Shore D Hardness tester with stand | Make:Yuzuki | Analog type |
10 | Electrometer/High resistance meter | Make:Keithley Supplied by Tektronix(China) Co. Ltd | Serial no: 4451422 |
11 | Computers | Hewlet Packard make. Intel Core i5 processor | 02 numbers |
12 | Printer cum scanner | Hewlet Packard make. Laser Jet Pro MFP M126nw | 01 number |
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K C Rupesh | |
Assistant Proffessor | |
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  Assistant Professor M.Tech. +91 94482 56806 Weblink: Profile: |
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S B Naveen Kumar | |
Assistant Proffessor | |
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  Assistant Professor M.Tech. +91 98864 56965 Profile: |
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Dr. JaynendraKumar | |
Assistant Proffessor | |
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  Assistant Professor M.Tech., Ph.D. +91 79855 55946 |
Chairman | |||
Dr.Rashmi Professor & Head, Dept, of EE&E, SIT, Tumkur |
Industry Expert | |||
Dr. Balaraman K Chief General Manager Power Research & Development Consultants Pvt. Ltd Bangalore |
Sri. Sundar K.S. Associate Vice President Infosys Limited, Mysore |
M.M. Babu Narayanan Director Safe Power Consultants |
Member, Distinguished Academician | |||
Dr. Arun Mahendraker Professor, IIT, Madras |
Dr. Raghavan K. Professor, IIT, Gandhinagar |
Dr. G. Narayanan Professor, IISc., Bangalore |
Members | |||
Sri.K . M. Chandrashekhara Swamy, Associate Pfofessor, Dept, of EE&E, SIT, Tumkur |
Convener | |||
Sri. B. A. Sridhara Associate Professor, Dept, of EE&E, SIT, Tumkur |
Rachana |
The cultural festival organized at the Department level annually helps to develop the interaction between students of all the batches. On spot events like Formal -design oriented, Informal - Interactive and personality based and casual events are conducted to nurture the overall development of the students. Successful Practicing Architect from the field will be the chief guest for the event who shares their professional experience to motivate the students. |
Annual Exhibition |
Exhibition of the academic works of students during the previous year is organized at the Department annually. During this event, outstanding works of students are recognized with a certificate of appreciation. |
Seminars |
Eminent Architects with experience in various architectural genres are regularly invited for Guest Lecture and Seminars to the students at the at the Department level. Students get ample opportunity to interact with the filed experts. |
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Faculty Development Workshop Series |
Faculty Development Programme
Special Lectures Organised in the Chemical Engineering Department |
Special Lecture
The department is recognized as research centre by VTU to offer MSc (Engg) and Ph.D. degrees. |
Areas of Research |
Research Groups |
Civil Consultancy Work |
Consultancy Details |
Consultancy Details for 2020-21 |
Project Report Guidelines Documents |
Students are informed to submit project report copy each to the concerned guide, project co-ordinator and department library and retain a copy with them. Major project report shall be hard binded (Gray color) and mini project report shall be spiral binded (transparent sheet in front and gray color sheet in back). |
Guidelines to prepare UG Project Report
Recognition: | ||||||||||||
Knowledge Enhancement: | ||||||||||||
CSI Publication: | ||||||||||||
Awards: | ||||||||||||
Networking: | ||||||||||||
Every academic year following activities are conducted under SIT-CSI chapter |
1. CSI concentrics: | ||||||||||||
Following co-curricular activities are conducted: a. Debate b. Innovative project demonstration c. Pick and speak d. Online treasure hunt e. Application development f. Group discussion g. Hobby project demonstration |
2. CSI Hackathon: | ||||||||||||
The objectives of hackathon are promoting creativity, collaboration, and innovative thinking.
Here students come up with novel solutions to particular problems, innovative ideas and
prototypes regarding new business opportunities. Hackathon is technology-driven and primarily
about software. It requires not only great technical and coding skills but also ideation and
presentation skills. Twelve hour or twenty-four-hour hackathon is conducted every
year. |
Activities organized under SIT - CSI student chapter for inter institute participants in last three years: | ||||||||||||
DeCoders the programming club of SIT is a club which functions under the incubation of the
Computer Science Department and every event conducted by DeCoders is directly or indirectly
intended to the betterment of the department. DeCoders mainly is a group of like-minded people
who have a nag for coding or developing technical solutions to challenging problems. Over the
past five years the club has conducted many technical events, seminars etc. The final year
members of the team frequently take sessions on programming mostly focusing on algorithmic
designs for their fellow team members. These sessions are not only restricted to the members of
DeCoders but anyone in the college willing to learn these things are always welcomed. DeCoders
also helps its members in developing new projects. The team generally takes a project and
members from all the years work on it to complete the project. This gives the members an
exposure to the product development environment and also helps them with their resume. Activities conducted under DeCoders club:
S I G M A |
Sigma is the newsletter of Computer Science and engineering department. It was started in the year of
2001. Team sigma was created to provide the students with updates and information about the latest
trends and technology in the domain of computer science.Sigma currently consists of 24 members. The
basic idea to form this group was to incorporate any upcoming or latest technology at one place and make
the students aware of all information and technology which is worth knowing for any student of a
computer science background.
Sigma team also conducts fun and interactive events for students for all years and all branches. It conducts a technical article writing contest for the students each year ,from which three write ups will be selected and published in the edition and will be awarded with cash prizes. |
Every edition includes different sections designed to provide specific information. They are:
Recent Sigma Editions |
Sigma-2023 News Letter Sigma-2022 News Letter Sigma-2020 News Letter Sigma-2019 News Letter Sigma-2018 News Letter Sigma-2017 News Letter Sigma-2016 News Letter |
Hobby projects / Apps developed by the students |
Click Here |
Student Chapters |
Details of Institutional Chapters and activities under it International Society of Automation |
1. Year of starting the section in the department-2001 2. Name of the Faculty advisor-Dr.H.M Kalpana 3. Number of student members for the academic year 2018--43 |
The International Society of Automation ( is a nonprofit professional association that sets the standard for those who apply engineering and technology to improve the management, safety, and cyber security of modern automation and control systems used across industry and critical infrastructure. Founded in 1945, ISA develops widely used global standards; certifies industry professionals; provides education and training; pubtdshes books and technical articles; hosts conferences and exhibits; and provides networking and career development programs for its 40,000 members and 400,000 customers around the world. ISA owns, a leading ontdne pubtdsher of automation-related content, and is the founding sponsor of The Automation Federation (, an association of non-profit organizations serving as "The Voice of Automation." Through a wholly owned subsidiary, ISA bridges the gap between standards and their implementation with the ISA Security Comptdance Institute ( and the ISA Wireless Comptdance Institute ( |
Activities conducted under the above chapter during 2017-18 National Symposium - iACT 2018 conducted on 25.02.2018 Technical Quiz, Paper Presentation, Robo Rash and Project Exhibition competitions were conducted and 95 students from nine colleges in and around Karnataka were participated. |
Exhibited the Project "Attendant Robot for Bed Ridden Patients" in the Project Exhibition Anveshana organized by Agasthya Foundations and Synopsis, Bangalore and National Science day exhibition organized by KSCST, held at IISc, Bangalore. |
ACTIVITIES: Visit arranged to NIMHANS Bangalore on the occasion of National Science day which observed the display of various Biomedical instruments. A guest Lecture was arranged by Dr.N Sriram, Professor & Head, Department of Medical Electronics, MSRIT, Bangalore on thy topic 'Engineering in Medicine and biology: Scope and Challenges. |
Students Activities |
Activity Detail |
Innovative method adapted |
Usage of ICT tools |
Invited Special Lectures Delivered In The Department By The Scholars (FROM 1.4.2010 TO 31.3.2011) |
Invited Special Lectures |
List of Bridge courses conducted |
List of Bridge courses |
Name of the laboratory | Equipments available |
Digital Electronics and Circuits Laboratory |
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Digital Signal Processing Laboratory |
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Electronic Devices and Circuit\DCCS Laboratory |
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Embedded System Laboratory |
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Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory |
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M.Tech Lab |
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Process Automation Labouratory |
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Process Instrumentation Labouratory |
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Thin Film Research Centre |
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Project lab |
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VHDL Laboratory |
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Project Details |
Best Mini-Project and Major-Project Detail |
Student Funded Projects |
Student Funded Projects |
Proctor Students List-2024-2025 Proctor Students List-2022-2023 Proctor Students List-2021-2022 Proctor Students List-2020-2021 Proctor Students List-2019-2020 |
Year | Student Name | USN |
2011 | Umang Kotriwal | 1SI07IS055 |
2012 | AkanchaSinha | 1SI08IS001 |
2013 | Mithesh Kumar | 1SI09IS021 |
2014 | Vanitha H | 1SI10IS056 |
2015 | Deepu H N | 1SI11IS018 |
2016 | Preetham G | 1SI12IS030 |
2017 | Kajol R | 1SI13IS023 |
2018 | Sindhupriya M A | 1SI14IS048 |
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Auto Architects is the All Terrain Vehicle Design and fabrication team of Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru. The team has been working under the guidance of Dr.Umashankar since 2008, and has participated in various ATV Design and Design Innovation contests across the country and recognized by various organizations and conglomerates. In 2010, Auto Architects participated for the first time in BAJA SAE INDIA, held at Pithampur, Madhya Pradesh and secured 38th position across India.In 2012 stood 37th among 180 teams. Adding to the journey in 2016 the team cleared all the technical tests and successfully ran the vehicle in the endurance event. Presenty the team is working under |
Faculty Advisors : Mr. Guruchannabasavaiah and Mr. Naresh Captain : Prateek Pallav, Vice Captain : Saket Raj This year the team has cleared Virtual round for BAJA SAE India 2018,and secured 34th position all over India among 389 teams and 3rd in Karnataka. Determined and passionate students are fabricating the buggy for dynamic round with the vision to be the best i.e. Main BAJA SAE INDIA which is scheduled in January / February 2018. Click here to follow us on Instagarm A team of automobile enthusiasts from SIT,Tumkur, designing & fabricating ATVs for BAJA SAE. Affiliation Society of Automotive Engineers, India(SAE India), BAJA SAE INDIA, SIT SAE COLLEGIATE CLUB, Siddaganaga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru. |
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Team Adrenaline Racing history began in the year 2010, since then the team members have worked hard to evolve and create a stronger presence at competitions every year. Team’s main goal is to improve the performance and achieve better results and it believes that there is always room for improvement and do whatever to accomplish thee mission. The team consist of 25 students guided by our faculties, worked together and successfully fabricated open wheeled Formula Racing Car. It started and completed designing process of the 6th car in the month of December, 2017. Fabrication was soon started in January,2018 and it was able to finish it in the month of March, 2018. Testing and setting up of the car was done during the month of April, 2018. The team participated in SUPRA SAEINDIA 2018 which was held in Buddh International Circuit, Greater Noida from 11th June to 16th June 2018 and secured 3rd rank in Karnataka and 42nd rank out of 126 teams in India. We were able to achieve it under the guidance of Dr. H Shivashankar, Associate Professor, Mr. Ekanthappa J, Assistant Professor and Mr. Omkaresh B R, Assistant Professor. Contact: teamadrenalineracing2015[at] The team has received lots of appreciation in the design that was presented at the event. |
![]() Team members: Amit Kumar, Nikhil Shenoi, Shreyas S, Rishabh Srivastava, Shaurya Prasad Shahi, Goutham Shenoy M, Musthafeez Muheeb Ahmed, Mohammed Zabiulla, Mohith N Kumar, Pavan S N, Manikanta Gowda B, Kumar Swamy H S, Manu L, Pranav K S, Abhinav S, Sai Tarun B V, Sohan K, Mrinal Raj, Aniket Singh. |
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Soaring Eagles is the aero design team of Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru built with passion for aircrafts and Aero-Modeling. The team has participated in various aero design and design innovations contests, both nationally and internationally and recognized by various organizations and conglomerates. The team is completely committed towards the development of aerial vehicles and soar greater heights as the tagline goes “SOAR HIGH”. The basic motto of the team is to generate interest among the students to fabricate, innovate and develop aircraft model and analyze them to get a hands on experience of the technology advancements of this era. Initially started with radio controlled aircrafts, the team now is also doing work in the field of multirotors, hovercrafts and water rockets. Every year the team recruits new members, mostly from first and second year of engineering of all the branches, who have a keen interest in this wonderful field of Aeronautics and Aerodynamics. Dr. Shivasiddaramaiah A G, Assistant Professor, Mechanical Engineering Department, guides the team and motivates it to always come up with new innovative ideas and achieve greater success as the faculty advisor. Some of the achievements of the team are:
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FIRING PISTON Firing piston is the Go-kart Vehicle Design and fabrication team of Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru. The team has been working under the guidance of Mr. Vijaykumar Hiremath since 2018 and has participated in various Go-kart Design and Design Innovation contests across the country and recognized by various organizations and conglomerates. In 2015, the team named as “Team Dragon Racing”, participated for the first time in “Indian Karting League” (Vayuputhra motorsports) held in Bangalore and has secured 6th position in the competition. In 2018 this team, reinitiated as “FIRING PISTON”, took part in International Go-kart Championship, LPU, Punjab and stood 33rd among 45 teams. VISION: To apply the concepts of technical knowledge in development of an automobile Presently the team is working under Faculty Advisor: Mr. Vijaykumar Hiremath Founders: Sachin Hosmane S (Ex member of team dragon racing), Arunabha Majumder, Aditya Mohan Naik. Facebook link: click here
TEAM INVICTUS Team Invictus is energy efficient human cum electrically powered three wheeled vehicle Design and fabrication team of Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumakuru. The basic motto of the team is to generate interest among the students to fabricate, innovate and develop energy efficient vechicles and analyze them to get a hands on experience of the technology advancements of this era. The vehicle must be aerodynamically, highly engineered and ergonomically designed. The team is going to participate in SAE NIS EFFICYCLE, 2018, LPU, Punjab, India. Presently the team is working under Faculty Advisor: Mr. Vijaykumar Hiremath Founders: Sehran Imam, Ritesh Kumar Singh Facebook link: click here |
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ISTE Students Chapter of SIT,Organize PROJECT EXHIBITION FOR THE YEAR 2018-19 Siddaganga Institute of Technology, Tumkur is one of the premier engineering institute in INDIA with an NIRF ranking of 79 for the 2019 , organized a project exhibition of final and pre final year engineering students of the institute in association with ISTE Students Chapter of SIT, Tumkur. In this exhibition, Forty five selected projects from all the departments were showcased on a single platform. The exhibition was open for the public and students of high schools and PU colleges of Tumkur. The exhibition was arranged in the basketball court of SIT campus. The exhibition was inaugurated by Dr. Karisiddappa, Vice- Chancellor of VTU, at 11.00 am, on 22nd April .2019. Best project awards were given in the category final and pre final year projects after evaluation of each project by an expert committee comprising two expert academicians. |
![]() Team members: Amit Kumar, Nikhil Shenoi, Shreyas S, Rishabh Srivastava, Shaurya Prasad Shahi, Goutham Shenoy M, Musthafeez Muheeb Ahmed, Mohammed Zabiulla, Mohith N Kumar, Pavan S N, Manikanta Gowda B, Kumar Swamy H S, Manu L, Pranav K S, Abhinav S, Sai Tarun B V, Sohan K, Mrinal Raj, Aniket Singh. |
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Instructional Material Developed by the departmental faculty members
Students Testimonials |