The internet (Web) is an important means of communication between the institute and the homes. Our website allows you to access information and keep abreast of the events taking place at SIT. It also provides details of
Departments, faculty, proctors, the facilities and the events that are part of our educational programme.
Choosing an engineering college can be one of the most challenging and difficult decisions a parent needs to make as it involves his ward's future. We congratulate the parents for choosing SIT for
Engineering/Architecture/MBA/MCA/M.Tech studies of their wards. Dear parents, we need your involvement to make our good college into a great college.
I appeal to the parents to support their wards' education by encouraging them to keep focussed on performing to their very best ability. Please regularly be in contact with faculty about your wards' progress in an effort
to affirm success in setting new goals for achievement. Students can achieve success when responsibility is accepted with sincerity, integrity and purpose. If we all work together and communicate effectively, our individual
and institute goals can be attained.
An educational institute is not just about bricks, mortar and concrete, but about building character,
enriching minds
and enriching experience that last longer. Life is not a set of instructions but is a saga of
experiences and learning
process. Engineering is no exception. This is where SIT steps in - To make the difference and where
learning is not
just a series of instructions but a passion.Our graduates need technological knowledge and
communication and analytical
skills to be competitive at the global level. Our challenge is to ensure that each and every student is
equipped with
the knowledge and skills he or she would need to be successful at his/her workplace. In this
connection, the institute
is supporting the students to refine the necessary skills, attitude and aptitude towards the placement
process in the
campus by arranging a series of professional development programmes covering group discussion exercises
and personal
interviews and others from the experts.
I am very happy to mention that SIT alumni have occupied key positions in top organisations both in
India and abroad
and brought laurels to the Alma matter. They have been helping the institute knowledge exchange
programme and with
donations. I wish them all the success in their endeavours.